. Obturator vein (venae obturator) : it is one of the veins in the pelvis and in the back of the thigh.. It is formed by the union tributaries, drains ...
. The obturator artery : it is one of the blood vessels in the pelvis and the medial (adductor )region of the thigh.. The obturator artery helps the pr...
. Sacrotuberous ligament : It is a thick ..flexible fibrous band (from living tissue) .. mainly composed from the collagen fibers.. shape: it is flat ....
. Sacrospinous ligament : it is a thin strong triangular band (from connective tissue)(it is considered anterior and small sacrosciaticligament ). . ab...
. Obturator canal :it is a small opening in the pubic bone (part of the hip bone ). . It is formed in the posterolateral aspect of the obturator forame...
. sciatic foramina: they are two openings(greater sciaticforamen and lesser sciatic foramen) in the posterior borderof the human pelvis (it is a part o...
•Radial tunnel(arcade of Frohse): it is the area below the elbow..it is just proximal to the cubital fossa.•Located between the brachioradialis muscle ...
•It is a fibro-osseous tunnel ..longitudinal canal .•Derived from the superficial part of the flexor retinaculum .•In the wrist at the level of the pal...
Anconeus Epitrochlearis Muscle
Anconeus epitrochlearis muscle (AE)(also known accessory anconeus ...epitrochleoanconeus muscle) : It is a short straited muscle (an accessory muscle o...
It is a fibro osseous space,oval in the shape .In the dorsomedials(posteromedials)of the elbow joint .Allow passage the ulnar nerve from arm to the for...