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Fahad Al-Bak
11 Articles     0 Quizzes
Triceps Brachii (TB)
The naming: -/TRY-seps BRAY-key-eye/From the name we can understand that it consists of three heads [tri- meaning three], also we get that it’s located...
/tra-PEE-zee-us/From the name we get the shape of the muscle is like a trapezoid.It is a flat, large superficial muscle located on the upper most part ...
/sub-KLAY-vee-us/The part (Sub) means below [inferior] so this means under the clavicle.It is a small muscle that lay under the clavicle bone covered b...
Serratus Anterior
/ser-A-tus an-TEE-ri-or/From the name we learn that the muscle is serrated in shape and is anterior.It is a lined muscle lays in-between the ribs and t...
Pectoralis Minor (P.Mn)
/PEK-to-ra-lis MY-nor/The name is from Pectoral (meaning chest) and minor refers to its size (also means that there is a major one [bigger]).It is a th...
Pectoralis Major (P.Mj)
/PEK-to-ra-lis MAY-jor/The name is from Pectoral (meaning chest) and major refers to its size (also means that there is a minor one [smaller]).The pect...
Levator scapulae
/le-VAY-tor SKAP-you-lee/From the name we know the muscle elevate the scapula.The superior third of the strap-like, levator scapulae lie deep to the st...
latissimus dorsi
/la-TIS-i-mus DOOR-si/ The name means widest of the back (latissimus= wide) (dorsi = back).It is a flat, large, fan shaped muscle located on the lower ...
/KOR-a-ko-BRA-key-AL-is/coraco: as in the coracoid process of the scapula.brachialis: meaning the arm (brachium [the arm]).-A Muscle of the anterior co...
The Naming: -/BRAY-key-AL-is/brachialis: meaning the arm (brachium [the arm]).A muscle of the anterior compartment; it is posterior and deep to the Bic...
The Biceps Brachii
/BY-seps BRAY-key-eye/From the name we can understand that it consists of two heads [bi- meaning two], [cep = head], also we get that it’s located over...
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