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Malak Alsamman
4 Articles     0 Quizzes
Superior gluteal nerve
Origin :It originates from the sacral plexus .Formed by the posterior division of the anterior(ventral) rami of L4,L5,S1 •Termination :It ends by inner...
Nail Unit
The nail unit : is a group of distal digital structures that located on the dorsal surface of the fingers and toes. The Functions of the Nail Unit :•It...
Musculocutaneous Nerve
Origin :From the lateral cord of the brachial plexus (C5,6,7)End :It ends as lateral cutaneous nerve of forearm .Course and Relation • It arises from t...
Flexor Pulley System of the Fingers
The flexor pulley system of the hand is a complex structure that co-ordinates flexion of the digits. It consists of:• Long flexor tendon (Flexor digit...
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