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Najah Sabah
5 Articles     0 Quizzes
Lumbrical Canal
The lumbrical canal is a potential space surrounding the tendon of each lumbrical muscle and is normally filled with connective tissue. Proximally, it ...
Interosseous Membrane Of Forearm
the interosseous membrane is a fibrous tissue with an oblique orientation from the radius to the ulna. The membrane maintains the interosseous space be...
Joints Of The Leg
1. Proximal tibiofibular joint.3. Distal tibiofibular joint (anterior&posterior).2. Middle tibiofibular joint (interosseous membrane of the leg).Proxim...
Subtalar Joint
The subtalar joint is the posterior joint between the talus and the calcaneum. Articulation is between the inferior surface of the body of the talus an...
Oblique cord
The oblique cord is a ligament between the ulnar and radius bones in the forearm nearthe elbow. It takes the form of a small, flattened band, extending...
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