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Omar Al-abdraba
5 Articles     0 Quizzes
Respiratory System
The olfactory epithelium is a type of pseudostratified columnar epithelium involved in sensing smell.Nasal Cavity - warms, moistens and cleans air pri...
Lymphatic Tissue and the Immune System
Lymph nodes are small organs interposed along lymphatic vessels that immunologically monitor and filters lymph.It’s composed mainly of: https://www.his...
Histology of Cardiovascular system
Like : aorta.It’s composed of: 1- tunica intima ...
Covering and Lining Epithelia
Found in the posterior surface of cornea (with thick basement membrane supporting it),also found in the blood vessels of the bile duct.Slides of simpl...
Radial nerve
The radial nerve (C5-T1) is the largest terminal branch of the posterior cord of thebrachial plexus and the largest nerve in the upper limb.It passes o...
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