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what are the fascial spaces of the hand?
Why are these spaces important?
Divisions of spaces:

Fascial spaces of the hand

By : Sedra Muhammed

what are the fascial spaces of the hand?

it’s the disposition of fascia and fascial septa in the hand that results in the formation of spaces.

Why are these spaces important?

These spaces are surgically important as they may get infected and distended with pus.

Divisions of spaces:

the palm of the hand is divided into 3 compartments:

1. Lateral copartment contains thenar muscles.
2. Medial compartment contains hypothenar muscles.
3. Intermediate compartment lies between the lateral and medial compartments and is divided by intermediate palmar septum into:

Midpalmar space.
Thenar space.

and pulp spaces of the fingers.

the dorsal of the hand is divided into:
1. Dorsal subcutaneous space
2. Deeper dorsal subaponeurotic space

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