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Definition of Clavipectoral triangle
Boundries of clavipectoral triangle
Contents of clavipectoral triangle
Importance of clavipectoral triangle

Clavipectoral triangle

By : Sarah Nabeel

Definition of Clavipectoral triangle

The clavipectoral triangle(also known as deltopectoral triangle) is an anatomical region found in upper limbs of the human bodies and also some animals.

Boundries of clavipectoral triangle

Medially :Pectoralis major muscle(the lateral border)
Laterally :Deltoid muscle(the medial border)
superiorly :clavicle

Contents of clavipectoral triangle

1-Cephalic vein
2-Deltopectoral fascia
3-Deltoid branch of thoracoacromial artery

Importance of clavipectoral triangle

1.contains the cephalic vein, pectoral nerves, and pectoral artery ,all are important structures
2.Provide surgical access to the glenohumeral (shoulder)joint, sparing adjacent muscles


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