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Type of bone
Parts of phalanges
Blood Supply
Clinical Note
References of image


By : Ruqayah Akram


The phalanges are the bones of the digits of hand .

Type of bone

The phalanges are long bone .
Note : phalanges is plural for phalanx so the singular from is phalanx.
A)The thumb has two phalanges:
1.proximal phalanx
2.distal phalanx.
B)The rest of the digits have three phalanges:
1.Proximal phalanx
2.Middle phalanx
3.Distal phalanx
Note: The proximal phalanx is the largest one , compared to the distal and middle phalanges.

Parts of phalanges

Each phalanx has:
1.base (proximally)
2.shaft (body)
3.head (distally)

1.The base of each proximal phalanx articulates with the head of the related metacarpal bone to form a metacarpophalangeal joint.
2.The head of each distal phalanx is non-articular and flattened into a crescent-shaped palmar tuberosity, which lies under the palmar pad at the end of the digit.

Blood Supply

The blood supply of the phalanges is carried by the nutrient rami
rami: Latin term meaning branch
from palmar digital artery.

Clinical Note

clinical note
Fractures of phalanges
-Are common injuries.
-They occur more in males.
-The small finger is more affected compared to other fingers.
- Distal phalanges are common of the crushing injuries (e.g., when a finger is caught in a car door).
- These injuries are extremely painful because of the highly developed sensation in the fingers.
- A fracture of a distal phalanx is usually comminuted, and a painful hematoma (local collection of blood) soon develops.
- Fractures of the proximal and middle phalanges are usually the result of crushing or hyperextension injuries.
-Because of the close relationship of phalangeal fractures to the flexor tendons, the bone fragments must be carefully realigned to restore normal function of the fingers.


1-Keith L. Moore , Arthur F. Dalley A. M. R. Agur; Moore clinically oriented anatomy 7thedition;pp.673,679-681,683,687,771,773,789,812
2-Dr. Lawrence E. Wineski,PhD;SNELLIS CLINICAL ANATOMY BY REGIONS 10th edition;pp.39,215,237-239,315,363,422,429
3-Phalanges of the hand; Adrian Rad,BSc;Kenhub;
4-Phalanx Fractures of the Hand; Dalton J. McDaniel, Uzma H. Rehman.; National Library of Medicine;

References of image

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Medical Note
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