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Article's content
Definition :
The Borders :
The contents :
The clinical notes :
The causes :
The Symptoms :
The diagnosis :
The treatment :Non-surgical Treatment :
Surgical Treatment :
Four sites to the compression of the (PIN) (DBRN) :
References :
References of images :
References of the videos :

Radial Tunnel

By : Banan Alzubaidi

Definition :

Radial tunnel(arcade of Frohse) : it is the area below the is just proximal to the cubital fossa.

•Located between the brachioradialis muscle and brachials muscle.

•Extends from the radial head (part from the radius bone)(from level of the radiocapitellar joint ) to the inferior aspect of the supinator muscle.

•5cm in the length.

•It is formed by bone and muscles that used for forearm supination.

The Borders :

Medially :
1 )Biceps tendon .
2 )Brachialis muscle .

Laterally :
1 )Brachioradialis muscle.
2 )Extensor carpi radialis longus(ECRL).
3 )Extensor carpi radialis brevis(ECRB).

Floor :
1 )the capsule of the radiocapitellar joint

The contents :

Structures in the radial tunnel can cause pressure on the posterior interosseousnerve (deep branch of the radial nerve ):

1) Fibrous fascia band coursing superficial to the radial head.

2 )The radial recurrent artery and its vena comitans also known as the leash of Henry.

3 )The fibrous edge of the extensor carpi radialis brevis (ECRB) .

4 )The proximal edge of the supinator muscle.

5 )The distal edge of supinator muscle.

The clinical notes :

Radial tunnel syndrome(RTS)(also known supinator syndrome or PIN syndrome) :
•it is a condition that causes pain along the top of the forearm and in the hand.It occurs due the compression or the injury of the posterior interosseous nerve (deep branch of the radial nerve ).

•It is more common in people aged from(30-50).

•Women are more susceptible to its infection than men.

NOTE /Radial tunnel syndrome is similar to the Tennis Elbow disease in some symptoms, so the patient must be careful about symptoms when consulting a doctor.

•One difference between radial tunnel syndrome and tennis elbow in the location of the pain :
In tennis elbow: the pain starts where the tendon in the elbow attaches to the lateral epicondyle.
radial tunnel syndrome: The pain is concentrated two inches from the bottom of the arm.

The causes :

1 )Activities in which the forearm and wrist are used extensively.

2 )Lifting heavy weights.

3 )Radial nerve inflammation.

4 )Failing to adequately warm-up before playing sport.

5 ) Tumor or ganglion cyst(lipoma or mass).

6 )Swelling or fluid in the arm and forearm.

7 )Dislocation of the head of the radius bone .

8 )Inflammation in the synovial or accessory muscle.

9 )Diabetes.

10 )An underactive thyroid gland.

11 ) structures in the radial tunnel can cause pressure on the posterior interosseous nerve (deep branch of the radial nerve ).

12 ) Improper use of crutches.

The Symptoms :

Not all people have all of these symptoms, some have all of these symptoms, and some have half of these symptoms.. and some people may have worse symptoms:

1 ) Pain, tenderness and weakness on the outside of the elbow joint.

2 ) Pain and weakness in the forearm .

3 )Pain in the back of the hand.

4 ) Pain that gets worse during the fingers extension.

5 )Pain that gets worse during the wrist rotation.

6 )Difficulty in catching things.

7 ) Trouble in lifting or pushing anything.

8 )Can cause wrist drop ( Inability to raise the hand ).

9 )weakness the extension and supination of the forearm and hand.

10 ) Over time, forearm muscles and wrist strength can weaken, make it difficult to hold or lift anything .

Note/There is no change in skin sensation of the forearm and hand .. because the sensory part of the radial nerve branches above the elbow and does not enter the radial tunnel.

The diagnosis :

This pain may be caused by repetitive movements during sports or at work, so the doctor will ask you about your hobbies and work..There are also some tests performed by the doctor to confirm the diagnosis, such as:

1)  Might be asked to use the arm and hand to push against resistance without bending the elbow. Pain during this test indicates the radial tunnel syndrome.

2 )Might be asked to use the middle finger to push against resistance..pain during  the test indicates the radial tunnel syndrome.

3)Rule of the nine test :
1) in this test the the arm is facing upward.
2) the elbow slightly flexed.
3)The doctor divides the elbow into nine equal sized areas in three rows.
4)then the doctor will lightly apply pressure on each spot .
5)if the patient felt the pain on the outermost  spots of the top two rows it is a sign for the radial tunnel syndrome.

4 ) Electromyography (EMG):  this device works to know how well the nerves and muscles are working.

The treatment :Non-surgical Treatment :

The doctor first recommends a non-surgical (physical therapy)such as :

1 )Staying away from the causes of this disease, as rest from playing sports and activities that may cause this syndrome and avoiding heavy pushing and pulling movements.

2 )Use of wrist or elbow splints.

3 )Anti-inflammatory medications.

4 )Ice and heat.

5 )In severe cases, a steroid injection into the arm may be required, which can reduce the swelling of the arm muscles and thus relieve pressure on the radial nerve.

6 )physical therapy,such as :

1 ) Wrist extension stretch 
1)putting the affected arm out straight in front of the body.
2)with the hand up, and the fingers toward sky.
3)Using the other hand to pull back on the fingers, so the patient feel a stretch in the arm.

2)Wrist flexion stretch : 
1)putting the affected arm out straight in front of the body .
2)with the hand down, and the fingers facing toward the ground.
3)Using the other hand to pull back on the back of the palm until feel a stretch in the forearm.

3)Wrist supination :  
1)placing the the affected arm at the side of the body at 90 degree angle.
2)with the forearm and hand facing up. 3)Putting the other hand on the wrist and rotate the forearm inward and toward the body without moving the other part of the arm.

4)Radial nerve glides :
1)standing straight.
2)slightly dropping the shoulder.
3)rotating the arms into the body.
4)flexing the wrist on one side, and raising the arm up to the waist level as tilting the head opposite way.
5) Holding this position for three to five seconds.

Surgical Treatment :

•If the patient does not respond to the non-surgical physical therapy, or if the condition is severe, the doctor will resort to the surgical treatment :

1 )An incision is made just below the elbow in the forearm.

2 )After moving around the muscle tissue in the radial tunnel ..the doctors will see where the radial nerve is compressed.

3 )Once the radial nerve compression site is found the  surgeon cuts the portions of the radial tunnel that are compressing  on the radial nerve .

4 )Thus, it expands the radial tunnel.

Note/The elbow splint must be worn after the surgery, as well as recovery requires rest and physical therapy such as massage .

Note/During this surgery, it is possible to treat tennis elbow, which can occur simultaneously with radial tunnel syndrome.

Four sites to the compression of the (PIN) (DBRN) :

1 )Proximal fibrous band of the extensor carpi radialis(ECR)muscle .

2 )Margin of the extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle when occur the hypertrophy.

3 )Arcade of Frohse.

4 )Radial recurrent vessels arch.

Note/The most common point of  the compression of the  posterior interosseusnerve (deep branch of the radial nerve ) is at the arcade of Frohse .

The radial tunnel syndrome known supinator syndrome when the arcade of Frohse compression the posterior interosseous nerve (deep branch of the radial nerve )

. Arcade of Frohse :it is a fibrous arch at the proximal edge of the supinator muscle.

References :

1)Radial tunnel syndrome/healthline/
2)Radial tunnel/clevelandclinic/
3)Radial tunnel syndrome /physio-pedia/
4)Radial tunnel syndrome/orthobullets/
5)Radial tunnel syndrome/handandwristinstitute/
6)Radial tunnel syndrome /assh /
7)Radial tunnel syndrome /webmd/
8)Radial tunnel syndrome /osteopathy.colganosteo /
9)Lyn D. Weiss; Jay M. Weiss; Thomas Pobre (2010). Oxford American Handbook of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Oxford University Press US. pp. 96–. ISBN 978-0-19-536777-5. Retrieved 11 November 2010.
10)Radial tunnel syndrome /
11)Radial tunnel syndrome /intermountainhealthcare /

References of images :

Cover image :Radial tunnel /handandwristinstitute/
Fig.1)Radial tunnel /handandwristinstitute/
Fig.2)Radial tunnel and elbow tennis /osteopathy.colganosteo/
Fig.3)Radial tunnel syndrome/osteopathy.colganosteo/
Fig.4)Radial nerve and supinator muscle /osteopathy.colganosteo/
Fig.5)Radial nerve /teachmeanatomy/
Fig.6)Radial tunnel syndrome /physicaltherapt/
Fig.7)Rule of the nine test /epomedicine /
Fig.8)incision for Radial tunnel syndrome surgery /osteopathy.colganosteo/
Fig.9)the treatment surgical of the radial tunnel syndrome/ osteopathy.colganosteo/
Fig.10)Radial tunnel syndrome /orthobullets /
Fig.11)Radial tunnel syndrome /semanticscholar /

References of the videos :

1)Wrist flexion.. Extension stretches/BeaconOrtho/
2)supination.. Pronation Test.. Distal Biceps Tendon Rupture /physiotutors/
3)Radial nerve Gliding.. Sliding Exercises /ortho EUAL pal with Paul Marquis PT/
4)Radial Tunnel Release /besthandsurgeon/
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